
Shed Hours 9am to 3pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Closed on Public Holidays.
                       Cooking Class: 3rd Friday of the Month, Art Class: 4th Friday of the Month

Training and group instruction - Cooking group and some training courses run on Fridays. These require pre-arrangement to attend.

Participation – For safety reasons, all members stop work and join discussions at morning tea and lunch breaks.

Contribution - When attending, $3.00 is levied to cover the cost of coffee, tea, biscuits and workshop consumables.

Time allocation - We would like to think our Shedders give a third of their time to their own projects, a third to assist in the Shed and a third to community projects.

--There is a wide variety of projects you can undertake. Listed are just some of them: Work on personal projects, like furniture, box-making, woodturning etc.

  • Make/design toys and furniture etc for personal use, sale or donation to local child care centres, kindergartens or hospitals.
  • Make/design ‘one-off’ projects for community groups, e.g. Cerebral Palsy Australia, WIRES, Neighbourhood Centre, local schools.
  • Repair tasks and intrinsic projects for senior and local citizens.
  • Cut, machine, weld, paint, sand, assemble, decorate, mend, frame and many other practical activities.
  • Learn to cook in our fully equipped kitchen.
  • Group discussions and workshops on men’s health.
  • “How-to” workshops and training courses on equipment and craft activities.
  • Provide support for other local sheds.